~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Can I see Millie

 On a more personal note, this morning little man crawled into bed with me. He told me how much he missed Millie and hoped he could go to heaven soon to see her. Oh, to hear that come out of your child’s mouth. He is not depressed, yet he longs to see his baby sister again. I told him he needed to wait, that his mama’s heart could not be without him now. As I laid there in the middle of the night holding this boy, this tiny yet so big boy, my heart ached. My mind wondered to the parents that lose more than one child. How do they keep moving? How do you ever find your way? While I’m glad I don’t know personally, I am sure it is much like how you do it with one… you just have to rely on your faith in GOD and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Tonight, I am asking for prayer for my adult son. He is sick and in the hospital. We do not know what he has and so will not speculate, but with horrible asthma, he is struggling. I remember so many times I have sat next to him as a little boy, wearing the dinosaur mask for the nebulizer, and read him a book while we waited for his breathing treatment to end. He looked to me to make it all better. He looked to me for comfort. Tonight, he is all alone and can not look to me.
Please lift Joseph up in prayer. A mama’s heart is never far from her babies… My daily prayer is “Please protect each child and grandchild away from my table. Help each one around my table through their day. Help us all to live a life that honors you in everything we say and do. Please tell Millie we love her. AMEN”

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