~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cool J Man's 18th Birthday

It's official...we have raised 2 to adulthood, only 5 to go(!) When I think of homeschooling I remember we've done it for 18 years with only 18 more to go. Children are such a blessing. They keep us young chasing them and become our friends as they get older.

J man  is now 18! What a birthday week...he drug the celebrating out for five days. On Friday night we had his party, complete with a volleyball cookie, volleyball cupcakes (thanks for the help D!!), and LOTS of chocolate doughnuts. While I was out running errands I got a call "Mom, Dad and I decided we need you to buy 1000 chocolate doughnut for the party tonight!", my reply "hmmm...a thousand you say? I'll see what I can do". I stopped at Sams and showed up with two cases of chocolate and one of powdered equaling 216 total. That plus the 48 cupcakes, gallon of ice cream and huge cookie were plenty of junk food.

Where's that ball??

All our friends bless us with a quick group shot (or 5!)

We are cracking up as My beloved runs, dives, and slides right into our picture...

Our dear friend A found her knight in shining armor at the party (ha!)...

J man  went on to Sunday being sang to at church. Monday receiving birthday texts starting at 4:45 AM(!)and cards/gifts from grandma and Leelee. Finally on Tuesday he received all his chosen birthday foods. We had eggs, bacon and hash browns at 5 AM and Chicken Enchiladas at dinner.

What a blessing and joy to know our child has arrived at adulthood, loves the Lord, and chooses to follow HIM.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." 3 John 1:4

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My new addiction...in a positive way!

I have always loved to CRAFT. I come by it naturally...from the time I was little my grandma D and I were making something together. Her specialty was EVERYTHING! She refashioned clothes out of necessity, before it was popular. She sewed, did ceramics, plaster paris, quilling, floral arranging, oil painting, and about anything she could make with a glue gun. Some of my favorite stories was listening to her going to the dump, salvaging furniture...junk...to bring home and recover.
As I took out my Christmas tree this year, tears flooded my eyes. There were the bread dough Raggedy Ann ornaments, the hand painted, ceramic Santa Clauses, the tree skirt, and so much more that Grandma made. It reminded me of a place she filled in my life. My buddy, my craft partner. She is missed! I haven't crafted as much in the years she's been gone. However I recently met a new craft buddy...

...while this buddy can't meet me at my house, she does have some awesome ideas to share! I am loving the inspiration to just make and do again. Life is fun when you're dreaming what your next project will be. I may be dreaming big, however I have been doing too! Here's some things I've made and done from Pinterest:

Fun snowmen handprint ornaments with the whole family...

A comfy, new baby carrier for free...

Finished both my big girls fleece blankets, loved this edge, tried it, but didn't end up using it...

I am still using the idea...still thinking...still dreaming...still looking forward to my next project.

Let me know if you'd like for me to invite you to follow any of my Pinterest boards. I'd love to hear what you are making.