~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The First 24 Hours at Home...

Josh flew home yesterday evening~~ YEA!! The guy was sure missed around here. We've spent the last 28 hours talking nonstop except for a brief 6 hours of sleep.
We've been blessed to learn about his Journey team mates, the jokes they told, the adventures they had, and the food they ate. We know about all the sites he saw, the tours he took, and how impressive 'Headquarters' was to see. He really enjoyed the printing/ warehouse area in the basement, seeing where all the publications are printed, and the methods they use.
I think what has blessed my heart the most so far was to hear him tell me he took notes on how to be a 'fisher of men' and then he opened his bible and read them to me step by step, explaining along the way, how to lead others to repentance.
I look forward in the days to come continuing to see the bigger picture of how this once in a lifetime experience has changed and matured our son. May God direct his path all the days of his life...
~one blessed momma

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Josh's official Journey picture

Caleb  is in a white shirt front~ left and Josh is in a blue shirt front~ left. Look for the cowboy boots on both guys... Mr. F is on the white team also and his son David is on the blue. Other than that I don't think Josh knew anyone. I'm looking forward to hearing from my guy again next week! Our family sure misses him!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Josh is off to Journey to the Heart

Today I put my child on an airplane for the first time...not really a child I guess, more I put my first born son, a man on a plane headed to a "Journey to the Heart" Conference.

Journey is described as a place where 'Christian life becomes real!'
The initial objective and ultimate goal of the Christian life is to discover what is truly in your heart
and what is the genuine heart of God. This 10-day journey will help you learn how to love
God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

He was so excited about going to Journey, but a little apprehensive not to know anyone. The Lord worked that out that one of his friends Caleb will be there and even flying home on the same flight. I pray that this will bless Josh greatly and that he will learn and apply the truths being presented to him.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Miss K's 7th Birthday Party Extravaganza

We had a great time celebrating Miss K's 7th Birthday. It was postponed by two weeks due to a late March snow storm...it's hard to have an outdoor party in the snow.

All worked out great as we were able to have an Easter Egg Hunt. Six and under crowd up in the yard hunting their own color eggs. Miss M - purple, Miss A - orange, Clay - blue, Emma - green, and Cammie - pink. Each of these guys got 10 eggs hidden and had a great time looking for them.

The 7 and up crowd took to the fields to search for their loot. Josh found the prize egg and ended up with a Chocolate bunny. Everyone else enjoyed a basket full of candy.

After the hunt, the young men and woman went off to play volley ball, while the kids ran, yelled, played in the clubhouse, played basket ball, and lots more. Mom's and Dad's had a great time just visiting with each other ((except for my beloved...he was found with the young people and the volleyball game!))

We ate hot-dogs, BBQ sandwiches, chips, lemonade, and cake. We decorated the house in spring bright colors and hearts (found on the bargain after Valentine's Day aisle).

All in all, I'd say Miss K was very blessed with this party, as was our entire family. We are SO thankful for the friends and family that came to celebrate with us!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Looking towards tomorrow...

Saturday is a big day around our house. We finally get to celebrate Miss K's 7th birthday with her 'outside' party. Volleyball, egg hunt, food, and fun are all on the agenda.
We're expecting 28 plus our 8, so we should have a full yard. The weather is supposed to be warm and sunny. Perfect for a spring party. I'll post the pictures when I get a chance...

Also, it's Good Friday...time for us to remember our Lord and Savior Jesus who died on a cross for our sins, was buried, but rose again on the third day! Praise the LORD!! Easter is the perfect remembrance of FORGIVENESS. If you are a sinner (hint-hint, you are!) then there is nothing you can do that will remove the sin in your life. Only Christ's death can do that and He only does it when you accept Him and repent. Repenting is turning from your sin in brokenness and choosing to follow Christ. May the Lord prick your heart with your need for HIM on this Resurrection Sunday..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools Day...

No Joke...If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. Well I got it and more!!

I don't want to settle for the same old, same old. I want a change! Today I'm going to make a focused effort to get healthier. I tell myself this all the time, but I don't write it down and I sure don't share it. Something about not wanting others to know how I'm struggling with my weight right now...funny thing is, anyone who looks at me knows that!
So here it is...my true confession and hopefully a release from this prison of despair. I don't want this to be an idol in my life and if I'm thinking about it all the time, it becomes that. I've gained 19 pounds since November 09. Every day the scale is going the wrong way. (no I'm not pregnant!) While my goal is much bigger, I'm gonna start with those 19 pounds. Pray for me if you get a chance...this is the hardest battle of my life I think, the battle against 'self and self will'.

Today's the day to start doing 'something' different. I've got my change picked out!