~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A wedding that was the perfect picture of Christ and a new beginning with a clean slate...

I've never been to a Sunday morning service where a wedding was held. Today our dear friend and former mother's helper was married in the church where her grandparents and parents both married.
The service focused on the book of Song of Solomon from the regular pastor. The woman's father came forward to give her away and retrieve the purity ring that he gave his dear daughter on her 12 birthday. After taking it from her left hand, explaining it's significance to the guests, he then returned it to her on her right finger as a reminder of who she is and how much her daddy loves her.

Next, a dear family friend and pastor took over to begin the actual commitment ceremony. The music was a wonder blend of orchestra style hymns performed by lots of dear friends...piano, violins, flute, and trumpet. The bride entered with the song 'Joyful, Joyful, we adore thee'. With 10 attendants the front was full. The lovely bride and handsome groom gave themselves to each other and as a couple to the Lord. They took Communion together further demonstrating their commitments. The bride then surprised the groom with a song "I will be true to you" (this was not a song I'd ever heard before...saying she will walk beside him, pray for him, support him).

One of the most fascinating aspects of this wedding was their purity was preserved for one another. While expected at least in our friend group, this is all to often not the case in couples. They have known each other for 9 years, courted for about 2 months, were engaged for about 3, and will start their life together now. He is receiving a real gem. She will make him very happy. I pray the Lord will bless this marriage daily and continue to be their guiding force.

For the final song, Dennis Jernigan dennisjernigan.com/ , popular Christian praise and worship artist played and sang "The Blessing Song", a special song that he wrote and dedicated to this dear family many years ago. It was a perfect fit.

As for me...they served a delicious Chicken salad on croissant, a green salad, and pink fluffy stuff. Don't think I did bad with my food there, but we stopped and got a milkshake and fries on the way home, then had more junk food when we got home...just t
o tired to cook and so I gave into laziness.
Tomorrow is a clean slate, just like my beautiful bride friend in her white dress. As she has future days to make right choices, I have future days to choose to follow my dreams...may God be with us both. 

((hopefully I got all the details right...it was all out of memory and somewhere in the midst of wrestling three young daughters that I experienced it))

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