~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A day to play...

We started the day early getting up at 5:30 with Daddy. After some family reading time, he and Jo3 were off to the C family's to install a new AC unit in the workshop.
~~I got a special surprise last night of the most beautiful benches for my kitchen table from my hubby. He had Mr C custom build them to match our table. As usual, excellent work! I've wanted benches for years and he went all out on these. THANKS For an awesome blessing that will last for generations!
Josh took off this morning to cut more hay with Mr. Russell and Bryan. That left the girls and I footloose and fancy free at 6:30 in the morning. When Mrs. Russell  showed up to walk (for our adult only walk we do each day) There were three little ones dressed and ready to go with us. We walked a little over a mile at a child's pace, stopping to look at bugs, tracks, water, and answer all the whys of life. "Why are we walking? For exercise. Is that a spider? No a rolly polly. Is it walking for exercise? Probably. Do you think a bull got out? Is that horsey poop?" You know all the really important questions a child has.

We decided it was the perfect day to do something fun...a surprise for the girls!
A trip to Sulphur to go wading fit the bill. We had a great time playing in one of the shallow parts of the creek, searching for 'sea shells', and being chased by a 'BIG Lobster'. Miss K had never seen a crawdad and quickly came running to find mama. Yelling the whole time "Miss M, I'd get out of there right now! There's a big lobster with claws!"

We ate our lunch Mazzio's pizza on the buffet, which we usually LOVE...but not today. It was cold, skimpy, and not the best we've had. We followed it up with a drive thru Braums for a scoop of ice cream and a stop at Mrs. Russell's favorite doughnut shop, King Donuts. They were brought home to be breakfast tomorrow. Our boys have long wanted to try them so now they'll have an opportunity.

We plan to finish the evening watching our favorite TV show "America's Got Talent" during the finals for the season. We enjoy watching all the singers, dances, stunt people and such showing off their talent (or not so much talents). Have a great evening with your family!

~~My last surprise of the day...just found out that school starts AUGUST 12(!) yikes!! I thought we were starting September 2. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal for a homeschooling family, but this year Josh will be attending the public Vo-tech for HVAC and we plan to stick to his schedule. Three weeks of summer left! I remember when summer break was three LONG summer months, now it seems barely 6 weeks long and a breath.

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