***This is not a political post but does reference political topics. I can be your friend no matter what party you vote for. We do not have to make the same decision. I know that God loves you just as much as he loves me. The world is set to perish just as all these opinions will. Love God and love people is what is most important***

Like anyone on November 2, 2020, the eve of the next Presidential race, I have my opinions. These opinions do not always agree with others, but that is okay. What I love about our country is that I am free to believe as I see best, just as you are free to follow what you believe. The thing that concerns me the most about this election, more so than any other I can remember, is the divisiveness. There are so many mad people filled with hate right now. It seems our country is coming unraveled from the very cloth that binds us together.

The very definition of divisiveness is to cause HOSTILITY between people. This causing is not unintentional, rather a set plan to allow people to attack one another. You have to wonder why? Why are people so set on destroying the very fabric of our nation. What do they have to gain? On June 26, 2016, then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan appeared on Mike Gousha’s "Upfront" show on WISN TV where he stated that “This is the oldest deliberative body in the world. We are the oldest democracy. And we have rules of decorum so that we can peacefully settle our issues and actually have democracy."
I will not go into all the differences, but here is a link that looks in depth at what a democracy really is if you are interested.
In the midst of all the political campaigns, voiced opinions, and sincere anxiety, we need to remember that God is still on his throne. He can use either candidate to fulfill his purposes. Many times in the Old Testament, God used an evil, sinful king to whip the children of Israel back into shape. They refused to repent and turn away from evil and so the consequences were often persecution at the hands of a foreign King. At times they were even exiled. God wanted them to respond to the prophets, the men sent with a word of warning, but when they did not heed their words, they would have to live out the consequences.
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
In this scripture, God is telling them you only must HUMBLE yourselves and PRAY, SEEK his face, and TURN away from evil for a change to happen. Can we do this as Americans? I doubt it! How often do we see people blatantly hold up their sin? They proclaim it loud and proud, often saying they do not believe it is sin. They make posters, print bumper stickers, and host ‘protests’. They make hashtags encouraging others to join in the fight to stand up for what is ‘right’. Listen people, we do NOT get to chose what is SIN. Our HOLY LORD has already spelled it out. We can decide for ourselves that it is not sinful, but that does not change God’s mind.
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Do you want to know the mind of God? Scripture tells us the mind of God. It was given for our benefit, much like the old testament prophets were sent for Israel.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
When you head to the poles to vote (I hope you plan too!), please take a moment to see what God’s word says about the issues. Man’s opinions are not important. Campaign promises are not important. But voting for things that are spirit led ARE important. I leave you with the thought that we do not need to be anxious or fear for tomorrow.
Philippians 4:6
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
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