~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Being in One Accord...

At first glance, you might think I'm talking about a ride in a small 'Honda', but make no mistake 'One Accord' is much bigger than a little compact car. Being in One Accord with someone or something means to wholeheartedly embrace the same belief system. It means that you move and function as one. This can apply to a marriage, a church, or even our government.
This has been a hot topic in our house recently. Questions like "Are we moving in the right direction as a family?"..."Are we choosing friends and a church fellowship that are like minded?"..."Are we receiving the support we need to accomplish our goals and aspirations?" It's obvious to even the most naive person that you will not succeed in anything if your not on the same plan. The Bible even speaks of "And if a house be divided against itself,that house can not stand" Mark 3:25.
My beloved attended the ATI Father's conference put on by IBLP in January. (www.IBLP.org) This conference focused heavily on being in one accord spiritually within our families. The fathers that attended had such a sweet fellowship with one another. The group that David rode with was filled with awesome men who have a life goal to live out a Godly testimony and strengthen their families daily in the process.
As thy headed back, the car was filled with 7 people (six dads and one lady who need a ride back from Indy). Each of these people has the potential to reach out to so many others they meet in life. They could each share what this truth means in their life, even the many ways they were changed at this encouraging conference. In one split second all of that potential had an almost deadly change of direction.


A little after midnight as the car full of sleeping people came through Tulsa, OK they began to see snow and ice piled on the sides of the roads and bridges, the remnants of a recent deadly storm. As they started to cross the Arkansas River on I-44 they hit a small bump. Unbeknownst to the driver the car had a small problem, the steering no longer worked! While the driver tried desperately to control what he thought was a car skidding on ice, the other passengers were waking up disoriented. As the car slid up the side guardrail and proceeded to ride straddle down the guardrail, the passengers were crying out to the LORD for safety. After knocking two light poles into the river below, the car came to a gentle stop allowing the passengers to slide out of the driver's side while remembering that the passengers side was hanging off the bridge. God was so merciful to give each of these people another day to live their life for HIM.
One thing that stood out to me about this accident was the automatic cry for deliverance. In a situation like that you cannot pre-plan what you will say. What is in your heart will come out of your mouth. Proverb 23:7 says "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." This verse reminds me that no matter who I pretend to be, my true self will come out. Each of these men (and lady) choose to thinketh of things above, and not be controlled by the speech of today.

When I first heard about the accident I could only praise GOD that my dear husband was safe. How my world would be turned upside-down without him!! My beloved is such a precious gift to me. He is my best friend and confidant. Our married life does reflect being in one accord. That's not to say we never argue, everyone does of course. It's to know that we're on the same path, headed the same direction, even holding hands while we travel.

I hope that everyone who reads this also enjoys the blessings of being in one accord with your spouse. There is no better place to be!

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