1) Acts of service… bringing groceries, freezer meals, warm dinners, watching kids (if you already have an established relationship with the child), house cleaning, and doing laundry.
2) Gift cards from Walmart, Aldi, Visa, Gas cards, fast food, and Uber eats.
3) Fundraisers… t-shirt sales, bracelet sales, and event fundraisers
4) Paypal and Go fund Me helps to pay utilities as the parents cannot work. Insurance deductibles. Lodging and Travel expenses. In our case they helped with funeral expenses and buying a headstone.
5) Gifts for the child: This can be a touchy subject. Please hear my heart…EVERY gift is appreciated!
o Gifts that come for all the siblings are better than just for the cancer kid. Can you imagine the day that one child became the queen of the house and no one else mattered? The siblings do notice that they are not as important as the ‘sick kid’ and often get left out.
o Gifts that are DISPOSABLE are wonderful! Like painting, play-dough , projects, stickers, anything to keep little hands busy but then go away.
o New clothing because the treatments cause swelling, and things get stained or ruined as they lay in bed playing.
o Hospital things like a wagon, tricycle, thermometer, suitcases, Ipad with games, or digital movies subscription like Disney+.
o Multi piece toys that can be changed many times. Legos, wikki sticks, tinker toys, Lincoln logs, etc.
o Stuffed animals, dolls, and blankets are wonderful, but they also get overwhelming when you receive hundreds. Simply ask the parent if that is a need or want. There might be a favorite that the child wants, and you can meet that need.
6) Gifts for the family: Trips, chances to make memories, a party in a box, or photography sittings.
7) Gift for the parents: gum, hard candy, travel blankets, travel pillow, travel toiletries, snacks, water bottles, drink mixes.
8)One of our readers, a grandmother, added these suggestions to "Gifts for Grandparents": If they have to travel, maybe gas cards, food cards. Something to help with their expenses when they go see their grandchild. Fun night out with the other children.
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