It is late but I wanted to give a quick update for those that were praying for Abby’s arm. We got answers that really aren’t an easy answer. The doctor feels confident that it is not broken yet suffered enough trauma that she is reacting with Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).
CRPS is a form of chronic pain that usually affects an arm or a leg. CRPS typically develops after an injury, with many cases of CRPS occur after a forceful trauma to the area. This can include a crushing injury or a fracture. The pain is out of proportion to the severity of the initial injury.
Signs and symptoms of CRPS include:

Changes in skin texture, which may become tender, thin or shiny in the affected area
Changes in hair and nail growth
Joint stiffness, swelling and damage
Muscle spasms, tremors, weakness and loss (atrophy)

Symptoms may change over time and vary from person to person. Pain, swelling, redness, noticeable changes in temperature and hypersensitivity (particularly to cold and touch) usually occur first. Aby has experienced all of these.
The fix is first to go to physical therapy for 3 weeks. If that does not help, we go back to the Orthopedic to be reevaluated. If at that point they can not relieve the pain they would do a nerve block shot in the neck. That is the most extreme and least used relief thankfully. At this point the doctor is confident that she will recover. However, we both walked away thinking a broken thumb or hand might have been easier to ‘fix’.
On the way home from the city, we had a tire go completely flat on the interstate. I managed to get over on an off ramp and we waited for David to come change it for us. He is always my knight in shining armor! When he arrived, he noticed that our back tire had a weak bulge area on it and looked like it might blow out. Running over whatever was on the highway very well may have saved the children and I from a bad wreck from a blowout! Praising GOD for his safe travels…
I had to drive about 40 mph for over 30 miles to make it to the tire shop. We decided to replace all four tires as we were planning to do so in the summer anyway. We live on a gravel road and even though we buy heavy duty tires they need to be replaced about every 18 months. OUCH…van tires are over $800 a set! At times like these I am so thankful for Dave Ramsey’s advice to live debt free and save towards things that need to be replaced. It relieves so much pressure.
Thank you for praying for healing. Our family feels every prayer you offer. We also love the encouragement you continue to give us in this walk of grief, time of change, and major adjustment we are walking through.
Blessings sweet friends…
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆
I still believe in Millie’s Miracle
。・:*:・゚☆ Hebrews 11:1 。・:*:・゚☆
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