Joe was born third to this family. For six years he held the place of the baby of the family. We didn't plan to have more children so we cherished every moment of Joe’s ‘babyhood’.
Joe has always been so loving and cute. He was so ticklish that it didn't matter where you touched him, he was quickly giggling. Even today we still tickle him some, but since he now is taller than us we have to be careful if we start to wrestle!
Joe has an incredible spirit for accepting what’s given to him. He never balks over hand~me~down clothes or toys. He loves to clean (I don’t know why…I don’t think we’re a dirty family, cluttered yes, but dirty no!). You will often find him sweeping, doing the dishes, but alas he’s a real boy…he NEVER wants to do laundry!
Joe loves his dad with an unfailing love. I often accuse the two of them of still being attached at the umbilical cord. While he loves mom, we've hit that time in every boys life where ‘you’d rather die than let her know’. I often find Joe and Daddy taking each other on in the living room floor or in the kitchen or in the bedroom or the back yard…just about anywhere they are they’re being rowdy together.
Jojo, as he sometimes answers to, is a hard worker who enjoys working by himself outside. He’s good at math but often gets frustrated that he wasn't born knowing every concept…why take the time to learn it?
Miss A is one of his best friends and I am reminded what a good dad he’ll be when he has little ones. They take walks, rock, and share treats together. She loves her ‘Jojo’.
My prayer for Joe is that he stand firm always in the convictions he holds. I pray that he will continue to live for the Lord all the days of his life. I also pray that he will see and hear truth no matter how it’s disguised, measuring it up to God’s word and standards.
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