I’ve enjoyed counting my blessings one by one as I’ve told you more about each person in our family. I’m down to just telling you more about me.
First, I’m a child of God. I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 8, but didn’t really understand the concept of living my whole life in obedience to HIM until I was 19. That’s not to say it’s not still a daily struggle, just that now I know I have to make a conscious thought to live for HIM.
Second, I’m a wife to my Beloved. My greatest desire is to be a blessing to him. Just as Adam was given Eve to be a helpmeet, I believe that the Lord gave me to my Beloved and it is my joy to fill this position.
Third, I’m a mother and MeMe to all the precious children that the Lord has sent our way. One song that means a lot to me is “When Momma prays” by Randy Travis. I often think that’s what I’d like my children to remember about me…I was a momma that prayed for them.
Fourth, I’m a woman filled with many complex desires, goals, and motivations. Perfectionism ranks high on my list, so the Lord allows me to be kept humble in my many failings. I greatly desire to be a planner, organized, and timely. I often have to settle for last minute, misplaced, and behind schedule.
As a child some of my favorite books were the “Love Comes Softly” series that were recently made into movies and “Little House on the Prairie”. These two series influenced my life by putting the desire for ‘homestead living’ in my heart. I enjoy an old quilt, fresh chicken eggs, homemade bread, and my wood slat rocking chair. A log cabin in the woods would be my dream playhouse decorated simply with a red checked oilcloth on the table, a glass oil lamp, and treadle sewing machine. Gardening, canning, gospel singing, fiddle and dulcimer music, and simplicity are all things that draw me ~or maybe the idea of them.
Since moving to our 80 acre farm three years ago I have learned that while I enjoy reading about many of those subjects, the doing of them is HARD! Gardens are hot, dirty, and have bugs! Animals are stubborn and they stink! While I still desire these things, it does put the romantic side of it into perspective.
I love to scrapbook, sew, and read. I enjoy creating things, but don’t often feel capable of doing the necessities. I can cook dessert, but struggle with meals. I can do my mending, but find it hard to fit in sewing. I want to write down my memories of the children, yet waste my time writing email.
My current favorite books are
“The Duggars: 20 and Counting” www.DuggarFamily.com
“Created to be his Helpmeet” and “To Train Up a Child” www.NoGreaterJoy.org
Life is so precious. Each moment we spend is one less we have to use wisely. My prayer for myself and you is that we ‘spend our days as a tale to be told’, always being a testimony for the Lord of His goodness.
Thanks for taking the time to read about our family…
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