~Miss K learned to ride a bike without training wheels this week at Conference.
~Miss A can say cracker.
~My Beloved got a welder to finish the Corrals.
~Joe has to have toe surgery on Monday, May 11.
~Miss M celebrates a birthday this week!
~Josh is preparing to start Drivers Ed.
~I got an early MOM’s day gift of a rotary cutter and HUGE mat.
Our family just returned from the annual ATI Homeschooling conference. We were incredibly blessed! I’ll try to share more of what we learned…maybe you’ll see a difference in our family.
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~
Why I'm blogging...
Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A biased opinion of myself…

I’ve enjoyed counting my blessings one by one as I’ve told you more about each person in our family. I’m down to just telling you more about me.
First, I’m a child of God. I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 8, but didn’t really understand the concept of living my whole life in obedience to HIM until I was 19. That’s not to say it’s not still a daily struggle, just that now I know I have to make a conscious thought to live for HIM.
Second, I’m a wife to my Beloved. My greatest desire is to be a blessing to him. Just as Adam was given Eve to be a helpmeet, I believe that the Lord gave me to my Beloved and it is my joy to fill this position.
Third, I’m a mother and MeMe to all the precious children that the Lord has sent our way. One song that means a lot to me is “When Momma prays” by Randy Travis. I often think that’s what I’d like my children to remember about me…I was a momma that prayed for them.
Fourth, I’m a woman filled with many complex desires, goals, and motivations. Perfectionism ranks high on my list, so the Lord allows me to be kept humble in my many failings. I greatly desire to be a planner, organized, and timely. I often have to settle for last minute, misplaced, and behind schedule.
As a child some of my favorite books were the “Love Comes Softly” series that were recently made into movies and “Little House on the Prairie”. These two series influenced my life by putting the desire for ‘homestead living’ in my heart. I enjoy an old quilt, fresh chicken eggs, homemade bread, and my wood slat rocking chair. A log cabin in the woods would be my dream playhouse decorated simply with a red checked oilcloth on the table, a glass oil lamp, and treadle sewing machine. Gardening, canning, gospel singing, fiddle and dulcimer music, and simplicity are all things that draw me ~or maybe the idea of them.
Since moving to our 80 acre farm three years ago I have learned that while I enjoy reading about many of those subjects, the doing of them is HARD! Gardens are hot, dirty, and have bugs! Animals are stubborn and they stink! While I still desire these things, it does put the romantic side of it into perspective.
I love to scrapbook, sew, and read. I enjoy creating things, but don’t often feel capable of doing the necessities. I can cook dessert, but struggle with meals. I can do my mending, but find it hard to fit in sewing. I want to write down my memories of the children, yet waste my time writing email.
My current favorite books are
“The Duggars: 20 and Counting” www.DuggarFamily.com
“Created to be his Helpmeet” and “To Train Up a Child” www.NoGreaterJoy.org
Life is so precious. Each moment we spend is one less we have to use wisely. My prayer for myself and you is that we ‘spend our days as a tale to be told’, always being a testimony for the Lord of His goodness.
Thanks for taking the time to read about our family…
Friday, May 22, 2009
Daddy’s Joy and evidence of his faith…

Miss A's name means ‘My Father’s Joy’. When she was born she was already named “Matthew Jacob” because we firmly believed a son would arrive. What a surprise we faced at her birth. She was tiny, early, had some other issues that we had to have ‘faith’ that God would keep her safe.
When she was 2 weeks old she contacted Staph and spent 3 days in the hospital taking IV antibiotics. Miss A struggled to grow for many months and even now is very petite. It still amazes us to see this little ‘midget’ as Daddy calls her, walk around talking and yet being the size our others were at 9 months. She’s a smarty who’s favorite word is becoming ‘cookie’…said like the cookie monster from Sesame Street. COOKIE, COOKIE, COOKIE!!
She loves baby dolls, playing with her daddy, brothers and sisters, and ‘MOMMEE!’ Each night at bed time as we bless her she will say the Lord’s blessing to us. The blessing is found in Numbers 6:23 “May the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you His peace.” Miss A will yell peace at the end, and then she lies down and goes to sleep.
I pray that as she grows, she will listen to the Lord’s will for her life. I pray that she will learn to have a soft, sweet spirit and an obedient heart. I pray that she will come to know Jesus at an early age.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My favorite tree is a beautiful pink Magnolia…

Years ago I saw a beautiful tree with large pink blossoms in the yard of a farm we dreamed of buying. I often called it a tulip tree as the blooms look like large tulips sitting on a branch. As the Lord allowed that farm to sell to someone else, I went on the search for a tulip tree. I was so disappointed when I found a tree with large orange blooms…not my ‘tulip’ tree!! I eventually learned I was looking for a Magnolia tree.
One spring day the Lord added a new ‘flower’ to our family bouquet. Miss M was such a sweet addition. Miss M's hair is blond, staying light longer than any of our other children have. She has a sweet spirit and can’t stand conflict. You will often hear her reassuring me, ‘I love you mom’ anytime she thinks someone is upset. Miss M loves her siblings dearly and plays well with each of them. She generally has a sunny disposition and I often call her my sunshine girl.
I pray that Miss M will continue to have a sweet tender spirit before the Lord. I pray that as she grows she keeps the love for her family in her heart. I pray that she will come to know Jesus at an early age.
Monday, May 18, 2009
‘For this child I have prayed’…1 Samuel 27

Like Hannah in the Bible, our family prayed for a new baby. Miss K was a miraculous answer to that prayer! We prayed that our reversal surgery would be successful ~ almost a year to the day of the surgery, she arrived. We prayed for a safe, healthy pregnancy ~ this was the healthiest one yet! We prayed for a successful homebirth ~ Charliee Lacey, a wonderful midwife came to assist us. Kim prayed for a sister ~ Miss K is ALL girl, pink and frilly. God was so gracious to hear each prayer we uttered!!
Miss K is a server. She loves to work with Mommy. She enjoys making things pretty, always wanting to decorate the dinner table or use candles and crystal. Her favorite color is now purple as she recently allowed her little sister to take the ‘pink’ title. She loves her long brown hair and dress up clothes. Jewelry, babies, and cooking all suit her fancy. She enjoys playing ‘Little House on the Prairie’; even requesting a night cap like ‘Laura’ wears.
Miss K is learning to read and has the determination to do almost anything she puts her mind to. She learned to ride a bike with no training wheels this week all by herself! She recently requested outside chores to do on her own. Joshua quickly shared the dog and cat chores with her.
I pray that Miss K will grow to be a young woman who loves the Lord, serving him with her whole heart. I pray that her very life may be a testimony to others that HE does answer prayers.
Friday, May 15, 2009
My third born, my baby…
Joe was born third to this family. For six years he held the place of the baby of the family. We didn't plan to have more children so we cherished every moment of Joe’s ‘babyhood’.
Joe has always been so loving and cute. He was so ticklish that it didn't matter where you touched him, he was quickly giggling. Even today we still tickle him some, but since he now is taller than us we have to be careful if we start to wrestle!
Joe has an incredible spirit for accepting what’s given to him. He never balks over hand~me~down clothes or toys. He loves to clean (I don’t know why…I don’t think we’re a dirty family, cluttered yes, but dirty no!). You will often find him sweeping, doing the dishes, but alas he’s a real boy…he NEVER wants to do laundry!
Joe loves his dad with an unfailing love. I often accuse the two of them of still being attached at the umbilical cord. While he loves mom, we've hit that time in every boys life where ‘you’d rather die than let her know’. I often find Joe and Daddy taking each other on in the living room floor or in the kitchen or in the bedroom or the back yard…just about anywhere they are they’re being rowdy together.
Jojo, as he sometimes answers to, is a hard worker who enjoys working by himself outside. He’s good at math but often gets frustrated that he wasn't born knowing every concept…why take the time to learn it?
Miss A is one of his best friends and I am reminded what a good dad he’ll be when he has little ones. They take walks, rock, and share treats together. She loves her ‘Jojo’.
My prayer for Joe is that he stand firm always in the convictions he holds. I pray that he will continue to live for the Lord all the days of his life. I also pray that he will see and hear truth no matter how it’s disguised, measuring it up to God’s word and standards.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My ‘Second’ first born…

Josh is also a first born… son that is. He was greeted by a very happy Daddy, Mommy, and ‘big’ sister. His welcome to our family gift was a yellow rubber duck for the bath tub from Big Sissy. We still have that duck over 15 years later. Josh is a very easy person to get along with. He’s dependable and faithful in his work. He enjoys working and enjoys being challenged. He’s also very motivated. When he sets a goal, he does everything in his power to follow through and complete it.
He’s highly organized and you’ll rarely see him with a messy room. In fact, I had to give up asking him to clean it years ago. He was so neat it was becoming obsessive. Josh enjoys dressing neat and doesn't want to follow the trend of the day (for which we’re very grateful!!)
As far as around the farm, both Josh and his brother are indispensable. They work hard and can do a full days job, moving animals, doing fencing, stacking hay…just about whatever’s needed. They have been so blessed that Daddy is running our HVAC business from home so that they can spend every available moment working with him.
Josh is a real blessing in my life making most things easier. I pray that as he continues to take his place as a man in this world that the Lord would be his daily guidance. Also that he would keep a softened conscience and a desire to live his life in an honoring way showing good character in everything he does.
Friday, May 8, 2009
My Dear Husband and Best Friend…

David is such a blessing in my life. He’s smart, dependable, steady, and most of all he loves the Lord his God with all his heart. He’s a great father and provider. In all our years of marriage, I've never had to worry if he’d have a job or if he’d take care of us. He’s always found a way to provide for our needs with the Lord’s guidance.
He loves to hunt wildlife, providing most all our family’s meat for the year. He’s very mechanically smart, always being willing to try to fix anything. He enjoys watching movies with the guys…you know the action packed kind(!) I often think he loves work just as much. He can’t stand to just lie around. That’s why we moved to the farm I guess, there is ALWAYS a job needing to be done.
He’s motivated to set a goal and achieve it. Just watching him building on to our home is testimony to that. He did a beautiful job on the house trying to fulfill my every need in this addition. Even being patient when I would change the plan…or my mind…or the new plan.
He has a heart to train his children in the ‘nurture and admonition of the Lord’. The boys are frequently found in the floor wrestling with Daddy. The girls are all treated like daddy’s little princesses!
Even now as he’s begun the role of Grandpa or Poppy as I like to call him, he has a heart to share the gospel with our grand daughter. When she comes to visit you will find him walking and rocking her to sleep.
He trains our children to be hard workers and encourages them to enjoy their work. You’ll often find him helping out with the children’s homeschooling, especially the math!
My prayer for my beloved is that he will daily have time to reflect on what the Lord has blessed us with. That he will find joy in each project we undertake. That we may grow old together watching our dreams become realities.
In case you couldn't tell. I think my beloved is a pretty special guy. I hope you enjoyed learning more about him.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Learning more about Our Family…

My dearest, closest friend ever is my husband, David. We've been married going on 19 years this summer. We met in high school, quickly becoming inseparable. My Beloved has always had the qualities of trustworthiness and faithfulness and he earned a place in my heart early on in our friendship.
We married in the summer of 1990 and then started adding to our family right away. The Lord eventually blessed us with six beautiful children (so far!). Each one is so different yet so special. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t remember to thank the Lord for these blessings.
I want to start this blog out by giving you a look at what qualities I see in each of our family members, what makes them so special, and what my prayer for each is. As you read thru this may you be blessed to look for the qualities in your own family and thank the Lord for your blessings!
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