~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Putting out fires!

Do you live your life putting out fires?  No, I am not a firefighter by trade, but my profession sure deals with a lot of 'fires'!  While some you can find humor in after the fact, I am constantly telling myself to count it all joy.

First thing this morning some unnamed adorable child put a full cup of chocolate milk in the refrigerator.  Top shelf...without a lid...must I say more?!?  I spent time showing her how to mop up milk from the floor, splattered milk from the inside of the fridge, and washing and drying the produce drawers that had received a standing flood of milk.  **Don't cry over spilled milk (or yell etc)

Secondly, the girls noticed we had received a blessing in the form of new head of cattle.  Our field was now host to brown, white, and speckled longhorns.  When I called our first neighbor he laughed and said I could keep the bounty, must be the other neighbors.  Sure enough after tracking the other neighbor down he came to claim his wayward children.  I was off to show him how to use our corral, the hot wire fence, and to insure none of our calves went home with him.

Next it was to clean up the blood bath in the second fridge...all families have two fridges right?  All large families do at least.  I had been to Sams and purchased huge packs of fresh meet to cook and bag. While waiting for the cook, the bag leaked...again on the shelves, drawers, and food below.

I also frequently have to listen to feelings.  Someone is always broken hearted, mad, or excited in a family this size.  As SJ often tells me "You broke my heart", usually in response to no you can't do such and such.  Someone is happy they placed in the state fair.  Someone else is sad wishing their ribbon was higher up. Another person needs a long talk to spew out all those festering feelings of not being loved enough. There are LOTS of feelings in a family!!

Here are some of our fair entries:

Miss M's Gluten Free at its finest.  Chocolate Chip Brownie Bars...so addicting!

 Little Miss A drew an Apple tree at her house...

Miss K did great with her Horse Head.

Miss Leelee got 1st prize for her self portrait

Now that the smoke is settled from yesterdays fires it is time to go fan the flames of the next ones...
Have a great Tuesday!

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