On Monday the 4th, we attended a home school field trip to the new "OK History Museum" in Oklahoma City. It was a really neat museum geared to older children and adults. Joe and I played the scavenger hunt, but had little time to read all the interesting displays. The girls were on a mission to see how fast we could go through each exhibit. Someday I may have to go back without little children!
Volleyball started for the boys and 'coach' Beloved this week. We spent Monday evening learning all the volleyball basics, warming up and practicing. The boys have really enjoyed the time they have gotten to play over the last year and are anxiously awaiting the new season to get in full swing.

The younger children and I took a trip to the Stratford park to have a play date with the lovely Henry family. We so enjoyed getting to know them better and playing together. My Beloved and Josh were finishing up the NEW Air conditioning at the Pound family home!! Yea for them!! Joe was off cutting alfalfa hay for Mr. Russell and Mr. Elliott. We were blessed with the work for all the menfolk!
We also had our second Keeper of the Faith Meeting this week. We learned the art of Quilling from our dear friend Mrs. Click. She did an amazing job teaching about 18 girls plus 8 moms this very fun craft skill. Each girl was blessed with a quilling tool to bring home and so we've had more opportunities to quill during our daily rest time.
My beloved got and lost his first buck of the season this weekend. As much as you hate it, when hunting the animals sometimes get to far for you to find them as was the case with this buck. He'll try again next weekend...while hunting is a passion for him, it also provides a good portion of our family meat for the year. We are always blessed to eat what daddy brings home!
I got the blessing of staying in my junkie clothes all day on Saturday and just doing my 'fun stuff'. I got to scrap in Miss A's album and now she is up to September 2010!! How good it feels to have somebody caught up. I also got Leelee's album up to date! Next, I got a chance to just do all the little projects hanging around...a little mending, reading, sorting, planning school for next week, and hanging out on our computer. I'm not sure if the house looks better or worse for all my projects, but at least something is being accomplished.
Today the girls and I took a trip to the library to get more of my favorite things~ BOOKS~ We keep about 20 checked out at all times. This year in school the older girls and I have been reading all the 'Sonlight' reading books from their catalog. They've made some neat and fun choices. There are very few that I've been disappointed with. Miss A and I are reading through the 'Before Five in a Row' readers. Again, excellent choice of books that she has enjoyed greatly. We finished up our day grocery shopping and a trip to McDonalds. I'm so blessed that my girls think a chance to eat inside AND have a $1 hot fudge sundae is a treat. For $8 we girls had a fun 'girls day' out.
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