~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another 'Mount'ain to climb and valley to walk through

Some days I feel like I climb one obstacle, jump one hurtle, go through the valley, only to have the next 'crisis' mountain looming in the distance. I know the saying if your not in the storm, get prepared, for the next one is coming. My storm arrived this weekend.

Back at the beginning of August I went to my midwife to confirm an early pregnancy, but was instead told I had a 'blighted ovum' and should expect to miscarry. I didn't share the info with too many people as this was the same week my grandma was so ill and dying. Then we had to get through her funeral. There were too many other storms to weather those two weeks.

The following week - week 3, I went in for another confirmation ultrasound. I wanted to make sure they were right. Of course we hoped and prayed for a miracle, but knew that we had to trust God to know best. I hoped to let this go naturally, but needed to see that my baby wasn't growing. This ultrasound confirmed exactly what the other one had said; there was no change in growth and I should expect to miscarry shortly.

Week 4 - Labor Day weekend proved true to it's name. I started the process on Sunday and by Tuesday I thought all was complete. I was sore, but felt relatively good until Thursday at noon. I had a scary episode of bleeding that I was able to stop by resting and by taking Cayenne Pepper capsules. We headed to some friends Thursday evening and didn't get home until 11:30. At 1:30 AM, I awoke realizing we needed to head to the hospital. We went to the local Emergency Room because they were the closest one. Sadly, even though they did the right tests, they did not 'treat' me, simply sending me home saying, "you're miscarrying"...yes I knew that, as that's what I told them going in the door.

After resting all day Friday and Saturday, our family decided to stay home from church and rest one more day. Praise God that my beloved felt led to stay home also rather than taking the children by himself. Shortly before services would have started, I began to bleed heavily again. We did everything we knew to stop it, but couldn't get it under control. As I started fainting we knew it was time to go into the ER again...this time a trip to the city for a better hospital - a 1 hour trip!

After getting an IV with fluids and yet another ultrasound #5 they determined that I had not actually miscarried yet and thought I would need to have a D and C. I'm praising the Lord that through the many prayers of our family and friends, that was avoided. They were able to take care of it with only an exam. This was an answer to prayer!! Thank you LORD JESUS!!

So now I'm officially on bed-rest for a few days, waiting and resting... This should give the next mountain of crisis time to form/erupt (seriously?!?) I am really thankful and have to try and keep a sense of humor. We have been blessed with 6 beautiful living children and I'm thankful for each gift. As the movie "Facing the Giants" reminds me of ~ I will praise HIM in the good times AND I will praise HIM in the bad. Blessed be the name of the LORD.


  1. oh , Im so sorry my sweet friend! Praying and knowing that God can carry us through all of this!

  2. Courtney,

    I am so saddened to read this. How are you doing now?
