My dear second born son and last of my older set of children turned 15 this last week. In many ways Joe is so easy going...he didn't really have a special meal he wanted or a special dessert. He was happy with the gifts he got. His acceptance of life without me having to bend over backward to make him happy is a blessing to this mama's heart!
How we celebrated...we got up early and drove 30(!) miles to a popular doughnut shop. When we arrived it only had 2 tables, six chairs, and one was occupied. That wasn't quite going to work for a family our size. So we took them to go and headed to the National Park located across the highway. We found a picnic table and had a nice leisurely Sunday morning breakfast...a little too leisurely I guess. After hurrying home to pick up Brian, Grandma, and the potluck meal we were about 20 minutes late for church. We came in the middle of our missionary friend Rebecca sharing what her life is like in the country of Belize. We so enjoyed the part we heard and the pictures she shared!
That afternoon we had our parents and Leelee over to help us celebrate. Cooking on the grill...well intending to...we were out of propane! Burgers on the stove, opening gifts, and fellowship. We plan to have a bigger 'outdoor' party if this heat wave ever breaks. I pray Joe was blessed this year like I have been every year he has been in our life.