May has been busy finishing up school for the year, doing all the end of year things we love to participate in, and being VERY sick!
The girls participated in the final Keeper's of the Faith Meeting back on the 5th of May. We had an awards night with a potluck dinner at our friends the E's home. My Beloved and Miss A had to stay home as she was running a high fever. She and I stayed home from most everything for 2 1/2 weeks while we coughed until we choked. I'm so glad that the cough is 99% gone now.
Miss Musical had a 6th birthday party here with our family. We were just too sick to invite anyone else. Thankfully with Miss Musical's sunny personality she didn't mind and kept telling us this was her best birthday yet! I let her make and decorate her own cake. She really enjoyed that!!
Miss Creativity sewed the doll a dress and I sewed a matching bonnet all in the material that we used for Miss Musical's prairie outfit. She was very excited to have matching clothes.
J man and I took a safe driving course through our insurance company. This class gives us a yearly discount of $60 for the next 4 years. With every dollar counting, this was something I sure didn't mind taking and it gives us better driving skills.
I went to the Dr. and he assured me all is well with our little one. My weight is staying the same...which really blesses me as long as she is growing correctly! I'm to go back at 34 weeks.
On Sat. 21, our dear friends the E's and C's held their girls graduation party. Miss A and I were sad to have to miss due to being sick. The rest of the family attended and were blessed to have the fellowship opportunity. Congrats Lil and Brit...we are proud of you!
This week was filled with tornados once again in OK. We are praising God for his mercy and protection.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! Be safe...