My first born son, second born child turned 17 this week. Time has sure flown fast. I remember that Sunday morning we had him like it was yesterday. I went to the hospital to be induced at 9 and was holding a precious son by 10:49...even the Doctor couldn't believe how fast he arrived.
That morning was Prolife Sunday. I clearly remember watching the demonstrators on the sides of the roads holding signs encouraging LIFE. As I held my baby I marveled again how blessed I was to know the truth about all children being a blessing!
Josh was a very loving little guy, always sitting on my lap and patting my face. He simply loved his mommy, daddy, and big sissy. As a toddler he could often be found in the back yard 'ridin' Papa D' lawn tractor. At the age of about 4 he and his best buddy Caleb decided to see how Papa's tractor would run if you filled the gas tank with leaves and dirt. We didn't clue in to what had happened until Caleb's dad came to borrow our mower...seems his had dirt and leaves in the tank too.
At an early age Josh became a very organized person. I never have to ask him to clean things up, he just naturally likes them orderly. He follows the rules well and likes to arrive to all our destinations at least 10 minutes early or he considers us LATE!
This last year was once again filled with many firsts for Josh...even as a young man he meets each challenge well. He got his permit and so has spent the year practice driving...soon to get his licenses. He started attending our public Votech in the HVAC Dept. He has carried a 97% grade all of semester one and was placed on the honor roll. He also was required to take Geometry and has a 97% there as well. I praise God for a diligent son who works hard in all he encounters.
Josh joined the Incredibles Volleyball team last year and progressed to a Bronze M level this year. It has given him quite a work out. He really enjoys volleyball and even told me he'd consider college if he could major in VB. He's made lots of new friends and gained lots of confidence this year.
~~For his 'party' he said he wanted to wait for warmer weather. So on Sunday Am while he showered, we rushed to decorate the kitchen and prepare a small family party. He doesn't really like cake, so we substituted M and M cookies with star candles for the treat.

I PRAISE the Lord for this blessing he has given to our family. Josh may you continue to grow as a man who loves the Lord and walks in HIS ways in everything you do ~ Mom