We spent an early Christmas with Papa B and Grandma S for a 2 day get away in OKC. We stayed in a hotel, swam, karaoked on the fun gift they gave us, and ATE...buffet after buffet. We did Golden Corral for lunch ((too much food!)), Mongolian Buffet for Dinner ((more food!)) and the the hotel continental buffet for breakfast ((we were stuffed!)). We finished off with Pizza for lunch and didn't need to eat for days afterward. Notice I said didn't need to...not didn't eat (-;

We decorated the house as a family and finished off making paper snowflakes to hang around the room.

Next for Christmas Eve, we were blessed to have Grandma T and our grandbaby Leelee come to celebrate. The only one not home this year was Kim. We had a fun evening filled with FOOD (why do we always overeat??), the Christmas Story, singing, gifts, and play.
Each year we take time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. I read the Christmas story from a book we received 17 years ago when Josh was celebrating his first Christmas. We then used our 'little people' nativity set to act out Jesus' birth. Finally we went through our hymn books singing all the carols we love about Christ's birth.
During gift time we opened one at a time starting with the youngest and going up to the oldest. What joy it was to see the littles enjoy their much awaited 'long hair dolls', matching dresses, and a new wagon. The boys were excited for some 'big boy' toys. I was blessed with much needed new shoes...everybody got something the needed or requested.

Finally one of the perks of being a grandparent is to brag on how cute your grandkids are. Here is our Leelee playing with Poppy...

Next to salvation, Kids really are the BEST GIFT of ALL!