~Our Faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ~

Why I'm blogging...

Welcome to our lives, our farm, and our family. Here is were we give you a view into our daily walk. I pray that it might encourage you while giving you a real life glance deeper into our lives. May we honor the Lord in all we do and say. My greatest hope is that anything you admire within our family points you right back to the Lord Jesus Christ and our love for HIM.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December Recap...Christmas is over

With December on its last days and all our Christmas goodies put away it is finally time to get to those memories we want to share.

We spent an early Christmas with Papa B and Grandma S for a 2 day get away in OKC. We stayed in a hotel, swam, karaoked on the fun gift they gave us, and ATE...buffet after buffet. We did Golden Corral for lunch ((too much food!)), Mongolian Buffet for Dinner ((more food!)) and the the hotel continental buffet for breakfast ((we were stuffed!)). We finished off with Pizza for lunch and didn't need to eat for days afterward. Notice I said didn't need to...not didn't eat (-;

We decorated the house as a family and finished off making paper snowflakes to hang around the room.

Next for Christmas Eve, we were blessed to have Grandma T and our grandbaby Leelee come to celebrate. The only one not home this year was Kim. We had a fun evening filled with FOOD (why do we always overeat??), the Christmas Story, singing, gifts, and play.

Each year we take time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. I read the Christmas story from a book we received 17 years ago when Josh was celebrating his first Christmas. We then used our 'little people' nativity set to act out Jesus' birth. Finally we went through our hymn books singing all the carols we love about Christ's birth.
During gift time we opened one at a time starting with the youngest and going up to the oldest. What joy it was to see the littles enjoy their much awaited 'long hair dolls', matching dresses, and a new wagon. The boys were excited for some 'big boy' toys. I was blessed with much needed new shoes...everybody got something the needed or requested.

Finally one of the perks of being a grandparent is to brag on how cute your grandkids are. Here is our Leelee  playing with Poppy...

Next to salvation, Kids really are the BEST GIFT of ALL!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December arrived while we slept...

Do you ever feel that way? While I was asleep life kept going and I woke up behind. I had intention to post our Thanksgiving photos by now, but somehow December is here and they still wait in my camera.

For Thanksgiving week we were blessed to have lots of family and some really GREAT friends~the Smith family here to help us celebrate.

For family, Grandma Mary got her first 'farm' visitors! All the way from Georgia, Brian, his lovely wife Melanie, and two adorable sons Parker and Paden. They came on Monday and stayed for a nice long visit...grandma was so excited!!

On Thanksgiving Day, we were blessed by Dwight (My beloved's Dad), Lisa (his sister) and her hubby S, their sweet twin daughters...H and N all from Georgia. My beloved's other sister Sunny came out from Mcloud. My beloved's mom S and dad B from Yukon. My mom T and her friend Walt, OKC. Aunt Vicki and her son Curtis from Edmond. Last but surely NOT least, our friends the Smith family from Blanchard.

While everyone brought food to share and it was much appreciated, the Smith family get a big pat on the back. There is nothing like having good friends who will bring the Turkey and Ham, the casseroles, the cranberry sauce, and too many other things to mention...then cook with you all morning and clean up the kitchen while leaving the family to visit. What a blessing these guys were to our family!!

Next the Smith family and our family headed over to the Elliott's home for our annual Thanksgiving dessert social. Every Thanksgiving night we meet for finger foods and desserts...Fun games and movies...Fellowship and Friends!

We continued to just hang out the rest of the weekend with our guests. My beloved took the kiddos to see the 'Tangles' movie, while Corine and I stayed home to visit. We made lots of yummy leftover creations...like Turkey salad, similar to chicken salad. Mmmm, it was so good! While we were eating, the men folk were hunting. At one point all 4 guys were in different trees.

We ended up the week worshiping together at our Stratford home church...we are SO THANKFUL for our church family. We shared different songs of praise and why they were important to us. Mr. Burnett gave a great breakdown of a chapter in Psalms, reminding us to have a song in our hearts and on our lips.

Now that December is here we are off and running. We started by sewing with friends the C family. We have our Keepers meeting where the girls will be making holiday trays. Lots of volleyball practices for the boys...it's getting exciting! Joe got a draw hunt for deer coming up in a few days. I don't even know when we'll have time to put the tree up. My beloved has 3 large jobs before the end of the month (PTL!!) I'd love to get our family photos taken soon...wanted to do it outside, but I think I waited too long...it's COLD!

I have most of my Christmas shopping done, but hardly any of my Christmas sewing complete. Off to do that now! Have a great month (in case I don't get anything else posted before then!!)